Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The most dangerous man in Amerika

[The following post is by Director of TDV Offshore, Paul Seymour]
I'm coming to you this week from the banks/beaches of the Rio Plata between Montevideo and Punta del Este, Uruguay.  
Crossing the Rio Plata from communist leaning Buenos Aires to libertarian leaning Uruguay was an incredible contrast that everyone should experience one day.  Seeing the sharp contrast is an eye opener.  It was while I was tossing around those sharp contrasts, that I came across even more information about my “home” senator, Charles E. (Chuck) Schumer, (Fasco-Communist - NY).  It seems like this guy is on a one man crusade to make my analogies of current Amerika and 1930’s Germany a reality.  I finally got so angry that I became inspired to start doing my part to expose, who I think, might well be the most dangerous man in the Amerika.
Although my home now, and going forward, is in South America, and has been for 11 years after living several years in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, I remain interested in my birthplace politics.  Why?  Because I’d greatly prefer that the spread of Amerikan fascism be nipped in the bud, before it has a chance to morph like cancer around the world, and possibly creep back into my life after I successfully extracted myself from behind the curtain.
In that regard, over the past few years, I’ve continually run across his name in association with his attempts to spread said fascism, and it seems that the time has come to shine a light on this Nazi poster boy for term limits in Congress.  
Without going to very much trouble, I’ll quickly compile an extremely short list of very recent activities in order to support my statements.  Keep in mind that these few examples date back only to May of 2014, and this menace to personal freedom has somehow managed to remain a US Congressman for 34 years, doing untold amounts of damage….  
Last month, for example, he spearheaded a movement to further enhance airport screenings under the guise of protecting citizens from Ebola... as though the current iron curtain like treatment isn’t already egregious “screening”.  It’s an obvious ploy by the fascist leaning Senator to impose even further restrictions on your ever-dwindling personal freedoms.  Another step to see just how far the sheeple will let their public servants go while setting the stage for an easy transition to martial law. 
Even the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Senator Tom Carper, a Delaware Democrat, criticized fellow members of Congress for using political “scare tactics” over the spread of the Ebola virus.  According to Bloomberg he was quoted as saying  “Some of my colleagues have been shameful in the way, frankly, they’ve manipulated this for purposes that I think we can all understand.  The way people have just been playing the scare tactics is just, I think, shameful.”  
Then, two months ago in September, Schumer led the charge to try and entice companies to stay in the US, and pay higher than necessary taxes, by introducing a bill that would further financially punish companies for making the prudent business decision to move offshore.   Way to go Schumer.  Make it obvious that they made a huge mistake by ever incorporating in the USA to begin with.  
Even more laughable, his proposed bill would have effected these penalties on a retroactive basis.  Thereby penalizing companies like Tyco, Ingersoll Rand, Eaton and Lucent Technologies (AT&T Bell Labs), who all moved offshore more than a decade ago.  Who has ever heard of imposing penalties on a retroactive basis?  In fact, the US Constitution states, in Article I, Section 9, Clause 3—“No Ex Post Facto Law Shall be Passed".  And this tyrant has several times sworn an oath to protect and defend that Constitution.
The kind of message that proposal sent to the business community, regarding the stability of the US as a business friendly nation, is just staggering in its potential implications.  I won’t even get started on what it implies about Schumer’s feelings towards the basic rights of both natural persons and legal entities to live where they want to.  
It should come as no surprise then, that just a few months prior in May of 2014 he said, to paraphrase him, “Either stay in Amerika, or we’ll exile you”.  
Just six months ago he made another swastika waving proposal to change the laws of the US.  This was just after a highly successful dual US-Brazilian citizen, born and raised in Brazil (where I’ll be travelling to next), decided to move to Singapore, and renounce his burdensome US citizenship. Soon afterward, this Constitution and freedom-hating fascist sponsored a bill to punish such US citizens who have made the choice to flee from, and then cut legal ties to, the Amerika.  He actually thought it somehow patriotic to sponsor legislation barring one who renounces US citizenship from ever returning to even make a visit to family members.  Nor even if one day in the future, after say, a successful and hopefully bloodless revolution, the country becomes worthy of ever visiting again.
As a result of this proposed legislation, the Washington Examiner correctly characterized him as totalitarian, and Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform, correctly pointed out that Schumer’s proposed legislation was similar to laws written in 1931 Germany, in order to make Jews pay to leave the country. "He probably just plagiarized it and translated it from the original German," said Norquist.  
How did Schumer respond?  He actually said in front of Congress “The law that Norquist refers to in Nazi Germany was purely discriminatory.  It targeted a particular race of people. The Jewish People.  And punished them for nothing other than being Jewish, and exercise freedom of movement.  It was meant to constrain their freedom, by forcing Jews to reside in Germany.  Our proposal targets no single race, creed, or class.  It doesn’t punish you for factors beyond your control like who your parents were.  It applies based on actions you take.”
Could he possibly be any more self-contradictory?  Is he saying that he’s not trying to constrain our freedom? Unless he’s trying to say that only Jewish people have the right to “exercise freedom of movement”, he lost me.  Isn’t his bill intending to force people to remain citizens of the USA?  Just exactly like he said was the case in Nazi Germany with the Jews?  Aren’t people who choose to leave the US a particular class of people?  Even though he states out the other side of his mouth that he’s not discriminating against any particular class?  
I had no choice of who my parents were either.  As a descendent, on both sides of my family, of the founders of the former America, I feel extremely discriminated against, in that I’m in a particular class of people which are genetically predisposed to respond very poorly to tyranny.  Such people are clearly being targeted by the Amerikan government in general, and by Nazis such as Schumer in particular, and it’s time it stopped.
Not one to pause from his fascist oppression Schumer is now out to implement dangerous laws to “regulate” the internet.  In this recent article it’s noted that Schumer “has called for a crackdown on the dark web (Nazi style smear campaign terminology, evidently) following reports that illicit marketplaces are thriving even after the government shutdown of Silk Road (surprise, surprise!).  
In an open letter addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder and published by Schumer’s office on 27th October, the senator pledged to both secure additional funding for anti-dark web activities and continue pressing for increased oversight of technologies that facilitate such activities. The letter cited the Tor network and bitcoin as mechanisms used by criminals to help conceal the global drug trade.
Of course, that’s not discriminatory either... attacking those who favor freedom as expressed on an open, uncensored internet.
The article also noted that “The senior senator from New York has sent mixed messages to date to the digital currency industry. For example, Schumer has voiced opposition to bitcoin, once calling the technology a tool for money launderers (but still a tiny percentage of the amount of money laundered using US Federal Reserve Notes). Yet nearly a year ago, the senator said on Twitter that the technology held promise ahead of a then-upcoming hearing on digital currency.”
Apparently his opinions fluctuate based upon the level of control he thinks he and the government can exert over digital currency transactions, and their ability to monitor same and capture data to achieve statist goals.  He went on to say in his open letter, “These websites, by allowing users to rate the delivery services of sellers and by offering any drugs imaginable under the sun, are nothing less than an all-you-can order buffet of contraband that need to be investigated and targeted with more intensity". Schumer’s office said in its statement that the requested funding would go to hiring more cybercrime experts at the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as state-based agencies in New York. These funds would address what Schumer called a chronic staffing issue that he says further encourages would-be substance traffickers who frequent dark web marketplaces.
“Currently, there are not enough people to target these websites,” the office added.
Certainly sir. Get more cops.  We wouldn’t want a free market operating at any level whereby consenting adults engage in commerce without outside interference.  I think Schumer in the US, and Queen Kristina in Argentina have more in common than they might think.  Both fascists and communists have the same ultimate objectives.  Control, power and money, which both require totalitarianism in order to maintain that power, as no group of people, except possibly current Amerikans, would ever just roll over and accept it without coercion of some sort.
Therefore, your best options are to implement strategies to counter fascists such as Charles Schumer, and his like-minded cronies in Congress on both sides of the aisle.  Your feeble and gutless countrymen will see to the continuance of the status quo.  
Do you really believe these people won’t confiscate your IRA or 401(k)?  Not continue passing laws to further enslave you?  If so, good luck with that.  If not, start taking steps to free yourself before it’s too late.
[Editor's Note: For more information on getting a self-directed IRA which enables you to get your IRA and 401k funds outside of the US without withdrawing them from your plan, or for any offshore banking, corporation or FATCA-proof trust needs you can contact Paul at pseymour@tdvoffshore.com or toTDVOffshore.com for more information.]
Paul worked for several years with Big 4 CPA firms in both the US and Saudi Arabia, and then spent many years as a multi-national corporate Controller and CFO in places like Florida, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, and MedellĂ­n. In his second, more free life, he has found a natural home in the offshore industry following almost 2 decades as a permanent expat from the former America. Contact him to learn more about the realities of economical offshore asset protection pseymour@tdvoffshore.com

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